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Fundraising & Sponsorships

Services   >   Fundraising and Sponsorships

Take Flight helps businesses identify and engage corporate donors that align with their causes, and unlock investments  that can solidify their future and better their communities.

Soliciting funding; whether you’re a nonprofit, for-profit, or a start-up is a relationship business.


It requires the right human connections and introductions, a fine-tuned sales process, a compelling story backed by data, and deployment of engagement tactics that communicate the impact of the mission and performance of the funding.


Aligning the goals and values of the business to those of the donor or sponsor is critical.  To get there, you’ve got to do the right research, ask the right questions, and create the business model and analysis that will further compel your prospect to give.


Take Flight has access and relationships with a network of CEOs, boards of directors, and senior executives at the world’s leading companies.  Engaging this network is just part of the process.


Take Flight helps businesses build the strategy and execution plans necessary to drive growth.  We help business’s craft their story, perform detailed analysis on the industries and businesses they need to target, identify the right prospects, develop and deploy a prospect engagement strategy, perform outreach, and help draft effective proposals and contracts that yield long-term, strategic value.


With an effective plan you’ll feel confident that the millions of dollars you’ll be asking for will be well received, and put you in a position to realize the value of such an investment. 


Take a look at the services we employ for businesses looking to build an effective fundraising and sponsorship program:


Working Across Industries



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Trade Shows


Financial Services

Executives turn to Take Flight when they need to


immediately accelerate revenue


acquire new customers


partner with

Fortune 500 brands

augment sales



reach executives at prospect businesses

Our range of sales and partnership expertise, coupled with our access to executives at leading companies, allow us to deliver transformational outcomes and growth for our clients.

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