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Sales Pipeline Management

Services   >   Sales Pipeline Management

To be successful at closing high-value deals you need coordinated processes and systems to ensure that opportunities and follow-ups don’t fall through the cracks. 

Prospecting and engagement is just the first step to building a fruitful, revenue-generating relationship.


To be successful at closing high-value deals, and to maintain the ones you already have, you need coordinated processes and systems to ensure that opportunities and follow-ups don’t fall through the cracks.


Beyond a defined playbook and execution plan, you need the ability to measure your success and interpret data to form insights and actionable next steps.


While you can get by for a while with spreadsheets; effective sales pipeline management generally requires more sophisticated CRM software, lead generation scoring models, content strategy, an outreach and response plan, and the ability to measure the value of your conversions and ongoing sales.


Take Flight works with leading data and CRM alliance partners to help clients build and manage their sales pipeline program; from crafting home-grown processes and systems to working with industry-leading CRM, lead generation, and marketing analytics solution providers.


For client’s with high-value prospects, we implement a more tailored, white glove strategy to ensure your team can focus on nurturing and closing these sales, while deepening and growing existing client relationships.  

Working Across Industries


Media & Agency




Loyalty & Rewards

Executives turn to Take Flight when they need to


immediately accelerate revenue


acquire new customers


partner with

Fortune 500 brands

augment sales



reach executives at prospect businesses

Our range of sales and partnership expertise, coupled with our access to executives at leading companies, allow us to deliver transformational outcomes and growth for our clients.

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