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Prospect Engagement

Services   >   Prospect Engagement

Knowing who to engage isn’t a calling card to do so.  Getting introductions at the highest level can quickly accelerate efforts, but getting the right introduction is just the first step.

Big opportunities are developed from trust, personal connection, and the art of influence.


Simply knowing who to engage isn’t a calling card to do so.  Getting introductions at the highest level can quickly accelerate efforts, but getting the right introduction is just the first step.


Take Flight employs client and prospect segmentation to develop targeted strategies that create personalized interaction and engagement.  We ensure that the message you're presenting to prospects is relevant and on point with the expectations they have for their business.   


Once the message aligns we determine the best way to engage that prospect.  For this, context is critical.  While a phone call or personal email may work, a better strategy may be to engage within a more intimate setting or interaction, especially if it involves a multi-million dollar pitch.  Again, sales and partnership development begins with effective relationship development.  


For your highest value opportunities we’ll arrange private and exclusive experiences for you to connect with your prospects in more intimate and natural settings, where introductions and casual conversations can merge into true business and personal relationships.  No pitch deck required here.  Not at this stage, anyway.  


Many times, we’ll even bring their most trusted advisers to ensure we develop a full sphere of influence.  This can include business partners, members of their board, and even their investment and business bankers.  


We’ll employ a broad set of experiences and tactics to help you build executive relationships and secure your biggest deals.  No cold calls.  No emails.  Just personal connections and one-on-one experiences.


Whether you’re looking to secure a deal from a prospect for $100,000 or $100,000,000, Take Flight will leverage its network of CEOs, senior executives, and their trusted advisers to put you in front of the right audience to create the right opportunity for you to make the sale.  

Working Across Industries







Executives turn to Take Flight when they need to


immediately accelerate revenue


acquire new customers


partner with

Fortune 500 brands

augment sales



reach executives at prospect businesses

Our range of sales and partnership expertise, coupled with our access to executives at leading companies, allow us to deliver transformational outcomes and growth for our clients.

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