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Product Expansion

Services   >   Product Expansion

You’ve built a great product.  Now it’s time to put it to use and generate revenue; whether you’re looking to license, expand your customer base, or diversify the use of your product.

If businesses aren't growing, they're dying. 

Large enterprises are flooded with intellectual property, products, and capabilities that aren’t being put to use or fully leveraged, particularly considering the investment and resources used to develop them.


For many others, a growing number are finding their products being used less by their clients due to external and competitive factors.  This is where a product expansion and commercialization strategy comes into play, along with the right client engagement plan - because making a sale is just one component to building a successful business.

Most companies with a great product or service are able to innovate and extract the full value of their products and services.  Doing so successfully though is challenging.  It requires significant distribution, access to capital and infrastructure, integration with other products and services, and a relentless understanding and engagement of the end customer consuming it. 

Your product or service may have been built for your industry, but there are likely other industries and businesses that would find value with it, and do so without the need for much modification, if any.  These are opportunities that are rarely pursued, but can change the trajectory of a business and its products.   


Whether you’re looking to license your product, expand your customer demographic, or diversify the use of your product or services, Take Flight will help you determine the right strategy and connect you to the businesses and executives that you need to be in front of to make your pitch.  

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Executives turn to Take Flight when they need to


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Fortune 500 brands

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reach executives at prospect businesses

Our range of sales and partnership expertise, coupled with our access to executives at leading companies, allow us to deliver transformational outcomes and growth for our clients.

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