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New Market Entry

Services   >   New Market Entry

You conquered your market.  Now it’s time to expand.  Take Flight will help you develop the right model, approach, assessment of the competitive landscape, and a plan to win.

You made it.  You conquered your market.  Now it’s time to expand further into new markets, new industries, and develop new revenue streams.


With 330 million people in the United States and 30 million businesses, the opportunities are endless, but so are the challenges.


Knowing how and where to expand requires deep data and insights on your current and prospective customers, an understanding of the competition currently serving your proposed market, a clearly defined differentiation and sales strategy, and executive connections with potential partners that can quickly provide the distribution and access you need to hit the ground running.


Take Flight works alongside clients to develop and evaluate the business and financial models used to justify new market expansion, perform competitor and customer analysis, identify key partners and stakeholders necessary for distribution and expansion, and evaluate operational plans to ensure successful transition into the new market.  


We then put you and your team in front of the right audience, with the right pitch, and a plan to win the deal.

Working Across Industries




Venture Capital



Executives turn to Take Flight when they need to


immediately accelerate revenue


acquire new customers


partner with

Fortune 500 brands

augment sales



reach executives at prospect businesses

Our range of sales and partnership expertise, coupled with our access to executives at leading companies, allow us to deliver transformational outcomes and growth for our clients.

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